In case you haven’t heard, short-form video content has all but taken over the world. Tiktok has quickly become the go-to source for entertainment, breaking news, new insights, and more.
So if you’re considering Tiktok as your secret weapon for marketing, then what are you waiting for? Go for it! That’s a no-brainer right there.
But wait—it’s much easier said than done. If you think that all you need to do is make an account, post on the daily and watch your revenue skyrocket—you’ve got another thing coming.
So instead, let TopVA instruct you in the ways of Tiktok marketing. In a previous blog, we discussed some tips to help kickstart your Tiktok marketing journey. But today, we’ll do you one better!
We’ll be sharing some of the hottest trends the platform has to offer. By hopping on them, you might just become the face of your industry, and sell more products than ever before. So let’s not waste any more time and get started!
“Day In The Life”
This trend is all about humanizing yourself and your business!
Give your followers a glimpse of your daily life by filming some short clips. Then turn them into a montage with a trendy song, or just some simple audio that fits the mood.
Trust us! You’d be surprised at the results if you show your followers how hands-on you are with your business.
Not only will it pique their interest, but it will also portray you as a reputable business owner—someone who actually cares about their company, and by extension—their customers.
Dance Trends
Ok before you panic due to your lack of dancing skills, hear us out!
Not all dance challenges are difficult and require extensive dancing expertise. In fact, some require only a few hand or body movements.
So why not hop on one of today’s hottest dance trends? You can use it to promote your business by filming it in your workplace, or by plugging your products using captions that pop up during the video. It’s up to you!
Green Screen
As the name suggests, this trend involves the use of a green screen-like effect. It’s a versatile feature that allows you to speak with multiple backdrops in your video—without having to manually get up and change your actual backdrop.
All you need to do is figure out which images or text you want to use as a background, and prepare some insightful spiels about your business.
Trust us—your audience will love these kinds of Tiktoks, even if the green screen does occasionally glitch while you’re moving around.
Final Word
And there you have it! Hopefully by jumping on these trends, you’ll have a better shot at growing your business.
But in case you’re not 100% confident about your Tiktok skills…
TopVA’s got a proven arsenal of marketing strategies for various social platforms—and that includes Tiktok!
We’ve helped countless clients scale their businesses with Tiktok, and yours could be next. Just visit https://www.topva.co/ and schedule your free success strategy session with us.
That’s it for today. Catch you later!